Erin had some varicose veins on the inside of her lower left leg that she was interested in seeing if I could cover up with a tattoo. I have covered varicose veins before, and it's usually very easy-- the easiest type of cover up I perform, actually. When she came in to see me, she had a rather interesting concept idea--- one I hadn't seen much of before. She says, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer is more a show about growing up than it is a show about vampires.
"The scythe is a culmination of seven seasons of character development and heartbreak. [Erin also wanted to use Lethe bramble flowers; a great idea for further camouflage purposes, if she develops more varicose veins.]
"I was going to get a surgical procedure to fix the varicose veins in my leg, but this was better: more affordable, less recovery time, and way more beautiful. Thank you!"
Here are some pictures of the drawing, before, outline, gray shading, and final color stages.